Resolving Disputed Insurance Claims
Robert has decades of experience representing both insurance companies and claimants making insurance claims and has mediated over 3,500 claims, many of which involved first-party insurance issues. These include:
Coverage Issues
Denial of a claim based upon an exclusion of coverage under an insurance policy presents a challenge to the parties in litigation and to mediators. These issues are often a barrier to a negotiated settlement and require a mediator with knowledge of insurance policy provisions and the case law that interprets the policy language. Robert has extensive experience in coverage litigation and can assist the parties in overcoming obstacles to reach a resolution.
Fire Loss Claims
Losses due to fire present special circumstances that only a mediator with experience in such claims can handle effectively. Robert has represented parties with fire loss claims and served as an umpire for both plaintiffs and defendants in fire claims. He understands the scope of loss and construction issues and his knowledge of both sides enable him to quickly spot the issues and efficiently help the parties reach a resolution.
Bad Faith
Claims involving bad faith are vigorously defended and difficult to resolve. These claims often take years to finalize, at great expense to all parties involved. Whether a claim involves bad faith or the specter of a future bad faith claim, Robert understands the issues and the case law and his experience with bad faith litigation is invaluable to parties that desire to avoid the delay, expense, and uncertainty of a claim and wish to reach a negotiated settlement.
Seek Resolution. Contact Our Firm Today.
When claims involve insurance issues of any kind, Robert is uniquely qualified to help get the claim resolved. To schedule an appointment at our Pensacola law office, call 850-502-2117 or write to us via email.