If you have student loans that have been difficult to pay, it may be tempting to accept an offer from a for-profit company promising to help reduce or even erase your debt. But according to an investigation by NerdWallet, many of these companies engage in questionable...
Negotiated Resolutions For Tough Legal Problems
Month: August 2017
Legal help in dealing with credit cards and massive debt
Floridians who are in tough financial straits and are not interested in filing for bankruptcy might think they are at the mercy of credit card companies and debt collectors who will simply not leave them alone. They call constantly and engage in creditor harassment,...
Is there a time limit for collectors to pursue consumer debt?
When confronted by financial challenges, many Floridians are left unaware that there are some debts that they are no longer obligated to pay. This will not stop certain unscrupulous debt collectors from trying to get something from the debtor, but time-barred debts...
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act stops unfair practices
Pensacola residents who are confronted with financial challenges and are the subject of constant various forms of contact from debt collectors might not realize that there are limits to what these collectors can legally do. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act...
When you are in trouble over credit card debt
It is easy to get in over your head with credit cards. You have good credit habits, paying your bills every month. But something bad happens, that throws your schedule off. You lose your job, or your spouse loses theirs. You or a family member is diagnosed with a...
Recognizing creditor harassment and scams for debtors
For Floridians who have overwhelming credit card debt and are being contacted by creditors over delinquent payments, the worries can be a constant source of fear. While there are protections for debtors that are specifically designed to shield them from creditor...