If you have student loans that have been difficult to pay, it may be tempting to accept an offer from a for-profit company promising to help reduce or even erase your debt. But according to an investigation by NerdWallet, many of these companies engage in questionable...
Negotiated Resolutions For Tough Legal Problems
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5 steps to improving your credit score
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed once you are labeled with a “bad” credit score (below 630). But with time and effort, you can rebuild your score. And the effort pays off. Repairing your credit rating will open renter, loan and credit opportunities that may be currently...
Don’t Let Zombie Debt Collectors Get You
You don't have to be facing bankruptcy to be a victim of zombie debt collectors. So, what is zombie debt? Zombie debt is debt that is very old or is no longer actually owed. It's called zombie debt because the debt has "come back from the dead" to haunt or "get" you....